The Role of Evaloexam in Fostering Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Education
technopreneur, enterpreneur, educationAbstract
Innovation in the education sector has become essential with the advancement of digital technology, creating various new platforms and applications to enhance the quality of learning. This study aims to identify the role of Evaloexam in driving innovation in the education sector and fostering a spirit of technological entrepreneurship. The methodology used is quantitative research with a survey approach, involving educators and students who use Evaloexam in high schools (SMA). A total of 100 respondents were randomly selected, and data was collected through online questionnaires over one month. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive and inferential statistics. The research findings show that Evaloexam significantly contributes to facilitating the educational evaluation process and encouraging innovation in new ways of assessing and analyzing student learning performance. This application also sparks interest in technological entrepreneurship among students and educators. The research results also match the findings of previous studies that support the integration of technology in education for improved performance and efficiency. The practical implications of this research are that Evaloexam and similar applications can be more widely integrated into the education system to support innovation and the technological entrepreneurship ecosystem. However, this study is limited to a small sample and one type of evaluation application with a limited data collection period. For future research, it is recommended to involve a larger sample size, a longer duration, and to compare various evaluation applications to obtain more comprehensive insights.
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